Conditions you may be admitted for:
Any patient whose cancer is metastatic or inoperable
Heart Disease
Dementia - Inability to walk
- Incontinence
- Fewer than 6 intelligible words
- Albumin <2.5 or decrease PO intake
- Frequent ER visits
- Liver Disease
- PT >5 Seconds
- Albumin <2.5
- Refractory ascites
- Jaundice
- Malnutrition and muscle wasting
Pulmonary Disease
- Dyspnea at rest
- Signs or symptoms of right heart failure
- O2 sat on O2 of <88%
- P CO2 >50
- Unintentional weight loss
Failure to Thrive - Frequent ER visits
- Albumin <2.5
- Unintentional weight loss
- Decubitus ulcers
- Homebound/bed-confined
Renal Disease
- Not a candidate for dialysis
- Creatinine clearance of <15 ml/minute
- Serum creatinine >6.0